School councils play a key role in Victorian government schools and, as a team, support the principal to enhance the educational outcomes of all students. Other objectives of a school council are specified and include:
to assist in the efficient governance of the school.
to ensure that decisions affecting students of the school are made having regard, as a primary consideration, to the best interest of the students.
to ensure the school and the council complies with any requirements of the Act, the Regulations, a Ministerial Order or a direction, guideline of policy issued under the Act.
Parent/carer representatives:
Charles Beaton Ciannon Cazaly Ceinwen Jones Vaia Smirneos
(President) (Vice President) (Secretary)
Phil Scott Paul Hopkins Mia McDonald Nicky Kandiah
Community representatives:
Geoff Hollis
DET representatives:
David Twite Emma Heywood Ivy Callander Milica Stefanovic
(Executive Officer)
Ivy Callander
Finance Sub Committee
The School Council is responsible for overseeing the school’s financial performance. It is a legal and Department requirement that councils make sure that monies coming into schools are properly expended and authorised. Schools have a finance sub-committee to handle many of council’s routine financial responsibilities including the development of the annual budget and ensuring the school has a functioning and effective system of internal controls.
Engagement & FUNdraising
Diversity and Inclusion Sub Committee
Diversity and inclusion is fundamentally about the wellbeing, psychological safety and sense of belonging of all members of the Bell Primary School Community. The Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee aims to contribute to an environment where all people feel that they belong, they are valued as they are, their contributions are welcome and they have full and equal opportunity to participate, regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, ability, religion, health or socioeconomic status.
The Sub-Committee will support events to celebrate and promote diversity and inclusion and provide opportunities for parents and carers to become involved in and around the school.
Communication Strategy Working Group
Education & Innovation Sub Committee
As parents/carers and families engage with the school to understand the learning progress of their children, they are able to effectively support their learning.
The Innovation and Education subcommittee will engage the school community for the purpose of promoting the language of learning in the key areas of literacy, numeracy and inquiry and wellbeing. This will build stronger connections between the learning community so that parents and carers have a better understanding of the language of learning so the home-school connection is more seamless. The scope of the work by this committee will be guided by the school vision and values as well as the goals and key strategies outlined in the Annual Implementation Plan.
In consultation with the teachers, students and parents this subcommittee will also develop a digital strategy that will work cohesively with the school's pedagogical approach to 21st-century learning.
Policy Working Group
The Bell Primary School Policy Working Group is created to review and update school policies. The Policy Working Group reports to and is endorsed by the Education and Innovation Sub-Committee.
The Bell Primary School Policy Group sets out to:
Collaboratively review and update Bell Primary School policies.
Provide oversight of all policies at the school to ensure regular and timely updates to existing policies and creation of new policies as required.
Provide regular updates on school policies to the School Council and community.
To ensure the school is compliant with mandatory and recommended policies as mandated by DET and VRQA.
Infrastructure Sub Committee
To manage all aspects of the school facilities to ensure the buildings and grounds are maintained to a high standard. Investigate, plan and co-ordinate priority works projects approved by School Council working within DET/VSBA guidelines and procurement requirements. To advocate the need for additional capital works money with relevant organisations in line with the VSBA endorsed master plan.
Bell Blitz Working Group
Sustainability Working Group
The Bell Primary School students, staff and community have a growing interest in learning about sustainability and taking an active sustainability approach to how the school operates and makes decisions.
The Bell Sustainability Working Group is set up to support the whole school community to meet this growing interest and to help it achieve the aspiration of a school that cares for the environment, is mindful of its own environmental impacts, and seeks to improve the way it uses and disposes of resources.